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Should I do cardio before or after weight training?

Cardio and strength training go hand in hand, according to sports experts.

cardio before or after weight training

Cardio and strength training go hand in hand according to experts in the sports world. People who want to build muscle mass should incorporate them into their daily workouts.

In addition, weight loss through bodybuilding also requires the practice of cardio. There is, however, one point on which the majority of athletes have difficulty deciding. It is the precise moment when it is necessary to do cardio. Should you do cardio before or after weight training?

Cardio and weight training: understanding the two concepts

Despite the concepts you have about cardio and strength training, it is important to understand them better. This will allow you to better find the importance of cardio in achieving your goals through weight training.

What is cardio?

group of people running on treadmills. cardio before or after weight training.
Should you do cardio before or after weight training? 13

Cardio is considered to be the set of physical exercises that work the heart rate. In other words, it is an activity that involves the performance of cardiovascular exercises. These are movements that generally cause the acceleration of the heart rate and blood circulation in the body.

Thus, several types of sports fall into this category. These include:

  • skipping rope;
  • walking;
  • the trail.

In some cases, playing soccer can be considered cardio. It is important to understand that there are many sports that allow you to work on your breathing in a progressive way.

The followers of this practice are generally people who wish to eliminate excess fat in their body. Their decomposition producesadenosine triphosphate, one of the energy sources for the cells.

What is weight training?

Strength training is the set of physical exercises that promote the increase and strengthening of muscle mass. These are exercises that involve a lot of effort. This is often due to their nature and the quality of the equipment and accessories that allow them to be implemented.

The principle of bodybuilding exercises remains quite simple. It is about exerting a strong pressure on the muscles in order to force them to take shape and to gain volume. Strength training makes your muscles stronger and more resistant to injury. So, the more your muscles grow, the stronger they become.

During the practice of bodybuilding, it is anaerobic exercises that are done, that is, they break down glucose without oxygen. It is necessary to exert enough force to contract the muscle. The muscle fibers are thus strongly solicited. They benefit from the help of adenosine triphosphates to succeed in strengthening the muscles.

Cardio or weight training: what to choose?

To answer this question, it is important to look at the research. Science supports the combination of these two sports. Each of them brings its own benefits and allows you to reach specific goals. For scientists, combining cardio with weight training gives you the best chance of being in perfect physical and mental health.

There is no question of making a choice between these two sports. On the other hand, to practice them well, perfect planning is required. Decide early on which one to do first. Cardio is known to help manage heart rate, but it goes far beyond that.

A German study has shown that exercising helps to improve general health. In this case, cardio allows the body to regulate the length of leukocytes and telomeres. It also allows the stabilization of telomerase activity.

Strength training is not only beneficial for the body. In addition to playing a major role in the fight against sarcopenia and osteopenia, it also provides mental stability. For example, by doing strength training, the practitioners are no longer exposed to the risk of injury.

There is also its action on the mental which is not negligible. People who regularly do bodybuilding develop a perfect self-esteem. And all this thanks to its main function: to help you have a beautiful posture.

Cardio before or after weight training: a matter of objectives

To determine the right time to do cardio, it's important to base your goals. If your goal is to lose weight, it is recommended that you do cardio before the weight training session. On the other hand, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, do your cardio after the weight training session. In this case, it is important to put your muscles under pressure.

This last recommendation is supported by studies. In fact, according to these researchers, to be sure to work on your physical strength, it is best to start with strength training. Then, you need endurance exercises to accompany it.

Why do cardio before weight training?

There are a multitude of reasons why you might want to do your cardio before weight training. As stated above, it's all about your goals.

Cardio before weight training to warm up

Doing cardio before weight training brings several benefits to the body. It must be said that in most cases, cardio prepares your muscles to respond effectively when lifting weights. From this perspective, cardio can be considered a warm-up. For 10 to 15 minutes, gradually increase your heart rate and blood circulation.

Cardio to make the workout longer

Doing cardio before the workout also helps you stay strong during the workout. This is because it gives you enough energy to last throughout the session. Better yet, do cardio before weight training to make the session last longer. On the other hand, understand that because of the physical effort required for strength training, all your energy is used up by the end of the session.

Cardio before weight training to lose weight

To lose weight through weight training, do cardio. This will prepare the body to eliminate fat. Indeed, since cardio is an aerobic exercise, its action on fat is quite remarkable. During the practice of these exercises, the body moves more quickly to the burning of excess.

Why do cardio after weight training

a sportsman in a black tank top who works out.
Should you do cardio before or after weight training? 14

As you can understand, cardio before weight training is much more recommended for people who want to lose weight. However, when you are looking to build muscle mass, make strength training a priority. This way, cardio only comes in to allow the muscles to release. The more you focus on strength training, the more your body will grow.

In fact, for a successful weight training session, you need your glycogen reserve. By doing cardio before weight training, you risk wasting it, which can impact the progress of the weight training session.

It should also be noted that doing cardio beforehand can reduce your performance. Since the goal is to work and build muscle mass, you need to have your full physical and mental capacity.

In fact, in cardio, exercises such as squats, bench presses or deadlifts require all your energy. Moreover, since it is all about lifting heavy loads and always trying to do more, give yourself all the means to achieve this goal.

Cardio before or after weight training: some factors to consider

Before or after weight training, doing cardio involves taking certain factors into account. These include certain safety criteria that allow you to better perform your movements.

The intensity

The question of intensity in the practice of the two disciplines is quite important. Indeed, it should be noted that cardio and weight training are two activities that go practically hand in hand. However, if you intensity of the first is strong enough, it greatly impacts the feasibility of the second. Take this rule into account in order to make your sessions more homogeneous.

For example, after a weight training session of more than an hour, the chances of your cardio performance being limited are high. Similarly, if your cardio session is of a certain intensity, your weight training session is likely to be impacted. With or without dietary supplements, pay attention to these two points which will guarantee that you achieve your results.

Risk of injury

When you're looking for results, doing cardio and strength training at the same time will surely bring satisfaction. However, be careful because injuries can happen at any time. As mentioned above, intense exercise can be a hindrance to achieving your results. Likewise, it can lead to injury.

On some exercises, you must be careful not to injure yourself. Whether it's cardio or weight training, handling the equipment can also cause tears. So, depending on the type of equipment you use, do cardio before or after weight training.

Cardio before or after weight training: in summary

In conclusion, incorporating cardio into the weight training session is by far a recommendation. However, plan fairly carefully based on your baseline goal. It is also your responsibility to consider your safety.

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