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Losing Belly Fat in a Man: The Guide

Many men suffer from a large belly and seek to correct it.

A man holding his big belly

Many men suffer from a large belly and seek to correct it. Whether it's extra pounds, a poor diet, or a lack of exercise, several factors can cause the appearance of a prominent belly. However, solutions exist to correct a large belly in men and regain a more harmonious figure like an athlete. Here are the various aesthetic solutions, practical tips, and targeted exercises to help lose male abdominal fat.

Fighting Bad Habits

A June holding a glass of whisky, sitting on a beige sofa, with a bottle of whisky in the foreground
Losing abdominal fat for men: guide 13

To lose belly fat for men, you have to fight against some bad habits. First of all, limit or even eliminate alcohol consumption. Indeed, alcohol promotes the storage of fat in the belly and provides many empty calories. Also determine if certain stressful situations lead to inappropriate eating behaviour (too large meals, snacking, etc.). In this case, try to find solutions to channel your stress in ways other than food. Also, don't forget about the risk of stroke with excess fat. 

Fight against an overly sedentary life. This consists first of all in practicing regular physical activity. Also, remember to get up and move regularly throughout the day: stretch from time to time, go for a walk for a few minutes during your lunch break, or go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

Adapt your diet to reduce the belly

Eating a balanced and healthy diet is essential for losing weight and shedding extra weight on the belly. Here are some tips for adjusting your diet to support a balance between your body's calorie intake and energy expenditure: 

Review your eating habits

First of all, it is essential to review your diet to reduce localized belly fat. Several principles can be applied:

  • Reduce your consumption of refined sugars and favour complex carbohydrates (brown rice, wholemeal pasta, legumes, etc.) which offer a long-lasting satiety effect;
  • Increase your intake of fibre in your diet, particularly in fruits and vegetables;
  • Limit fatty and processed foods, which are often high in calories and bad fats.
  • Focus on complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes, wholegrain pasta and rice;
  • Add a source of protein (lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes) to your dish to promote satiety and maintain muscle mass;
  • Add a serving of starchy foods for their complex carbohydrate intake;
  • Don't forget the small amount of added fat (olive oil, avocado oil, etc.) to ensure the intake of good fats;
  • Avoid saturated fats found in fatty meats and full-fat dairy products;
  • Eat regularly and in reasonable quantities, so as not to create a feeling of intense hunger that would then lead to eating too quickly and too copiously.

Prioritize regular physical activity

If you want to lose male abdominal fat, it is a must to practice regular physical activity. Indeed, even if a balanced diet is essential, it is not enough to burn fat and lose weight. It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day or 3-4 more intense sessions per week.

Include targeted exercises to strengthen the abdominal area

It is recommended to regularly practice specific exercises that will effectively target the belly muscles. While the ideal is to combine cardio and strength training to achieve overall weight loss, here are some exercises to tone this area:

Abdominal sheathing

This exercise helps to strengthen and stabilize the deep muscles of the abdominal area by maintaining a static position for a set amount of time. There are several variations for core training, but among the best known are the back sheathing (on the back) and the belly sheathing (on the stomach).


Known to be effective when it comes to engaging the upper part of the abdominals, crunches consist of slightly lifting the upper body from a lying position on your back. To avoid posture mistakes and master the technique, don't hesitate to seek advice from a health or sports professional.

Leg raises

They allow you to work more specifically the lower part of the abdominals by engaging the controlled lifting of the legs. Leg raises can be performed both in a supine position and in suspension thanks to a fixed barbell.

A young man in black shorts lying on a blue carpet with a white background
Losing abdominal fat for men: guide 14

Doing cardiovascular exercises

Cardiovascular activities are ideal for burning fat, especially in the belly. There are several options available to you:

  • Swimming: an ideal sport to work the whole body and accessible to all.
  • Running: an excellent activity to improve endurance and burn calories. It is possible to run outdoors or on a treadmill in a gym.
  • Cycling: cycling allows you to work on endurance while using the muscles of the lower limbs, which promotes weight loss in the belly.
  • Playing a team sport (football, basketball): these sports are both fun and effective for expending energy and burning fat.

Lose Abdominal Fat Male: In Summary

In conclusion, to lose male belly fat, it is important to combine several methods. Each man will have to choose the one that suits best according to his goal and individual constraints. However, regardless of the intervention chosen, it is always important to keep in mind that a healthy and balanced lifestyle remains the key to achieving lasting results.

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