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How do you gain muscle mass when you're skinny?

For a lean person, gaining muscle mass can be complex.

muscle mass when you're lean

For a lean person, gaining muscle mass can be complex. Today, with the right approach to training, nutrition and rest, it is entirely possible to build muscle mass and achieve a more athletic appearance. That said, what are the tips and strategies on how to gain muscle mass when you are lean?

What is an ectomorphic person?

An ectomorphic person is a term used to describe a specific type of physical constitution. It is a classification within William Sheldon's morphotype classification system, which divides individuals into three main categories: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.

An ectomorph is generally characterized by a thin bone structure, a low amount of body fat and a relatively undeveloped musculature. These individuals often have a fast metabolism, which means they have difficulty gaining weight, including muscle mass. They often have long limbs, a thin waist and narrow shoulders.

A woman of ectomorphic constitution
How do you build muscle when you're skinny? 10

Ectomorphs often have difficulty gaining weight or muscle mass, even when they eat a high-calorie diet and exercise regularly. This does not mean that an ectomorph is necessarily weak or unathletic.

With a proper training and nutrition program, it is entirely possible for an ectomorph to build muscle and achieve their fitness goals.

Tips and techniques to gain weight when you are skinny

While most health advice focuses on weight loss, it is equally important to provide tips and techniques to help lean people gain muscle mass and achieve a healthy weight. To achieve this, start with:

Re-evaluate your diet

Re-evaluating your diet is essential when you are looking to gain muscle mass while being lean. To achieve this, you need to watch each of the following:

Caloric intake

Make sure you are getting enough calories to support muscle growth.Calculate your daily caloric intake based on your weight, activity level and goals. It is important to have a small caloric surplus to support muscle mass gain.


Protein is the building block for muscle building. Be sure to consume an adequate amount of quality protein. Sources of protein include lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and legumes. Aim for about 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an essential source of energy for training and muscle recovery. Choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. Avoid refined and sugary carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar spikes.

Healthy fats

Fats play an important role in hormone regulation and nutrient absorption. Choose healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and fatty fish.

Frequent meals

Divide your caloric intake and meals into smaller portions throughout the day to optimize nutrient absorption and maintain a steady flow of energy.


A woman who hydrates by drinking a bottle of water
How do you build muscle when you're skinny? 11

Make sure you stay well hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day. Hydration is essential for physical performance and muscle recovery.

Take a progressive training approach

Focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups and dips. Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts by increasing the weight, decreasing rest times or increasing reps.

Also increase the volume of your workouts by adding extra sets or increasing the number of reps per set. Vary the exercises to stimulate your muscles in different ways and work different muscle groups. Apply the principle of progressive overload by gradually increasing the loads or intensity of your exercises.

Remember the importance of rest and recovery. Give yourself enough rest between workouts to allow your muscles to recover and strengthen. Also, make sure you get adequate sleep to help your muscles recover.

Choose weight training over cardio

When looking to gain muscle mass, it's important to limit your excessive cardiovascular activity, as this can burn the calories you need for muscle growth. Instead, focus on strength work outs and use heavy weights to promote muscle growth. Still, some cardio can be beneficial to maintaining your cardiovascular health, but be careful not to overdo it.

Get enough rest

Rest is often overlooked, but it is essential to allow your muscles to recover and grow. When you train intensely, your muscles experience micro-injuries that require time to repair. Make sure you get enough sleep each night and build rest days into your training schedule. Also, avoid overtraining, as this can lead to injury and slow down your progress.

Using food supplements

Food supplement tablets in a wooden spoon.
How do you build muscle when you're skinny? 12

Although supplements are not essential, they can be useful in supplementing your diet and promoting muscle growth. Some popular supplements include protein powders, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), creatine and gainers. However, keep in mind that supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet and should be taken at the recommended dosage.

Track your progress and adjust your program

To measure your progress, track your performance during workouts. Keep track of the weights you lift, the number of reps and sets you do, and your physical appearance over time.

This will help motivate you and allow you to adjust your program if necessary. If you notice stagnation, try increasing the intensity of your workout, adding new exercises or changing your routine to continue to stimulate muscle growth.

Dry muscle gain or mass gain: what's your goal?

When embarking on a training and strength training program, it is essential to clearly define your goals. Two common goals are dry muscle gain and mass gain. Each of these goals has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand these differences in order to choose the one that best suits your needs and expectations.

Dry muscle gain

Dry muscle gain, also known as lean muscle gain, refers to the process of increasing muscle mass while minimizing body fat gain. There are several key elements to be aware of to achieve this.

Balanced nutrition

Proper nutrition plays an essential role in building lean muscle. It is essential to consume enough protein to promote muscle growth, as well as complex carbohydrates and healthy fats to provide energy for training.

Moderate caloric surplus

To gain muscle, you need to consume a small caloric surplus, which means you take in slightly more calories than you burn. However, it's important not to overdo it, as too much excess calories can lead to unwanted fat gain.

Strength training

Strength training is essential to stimulate muscle growth. Focus on compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, etc., which work multiple muscle groups at once. Train regularly and use progressively heavier weights to continue to stimulate your muscles.

Rest and recovery

Allow your body time to recover between workouts. Proper rest allows your muscles to rebuild and grow more efficiently. Aim for about 7-8 hours of sleep each night to promote recovery.

Moderate cardio

A woman running on a treadmill
How do you build muscle when you're skinny? 13

While it's important to focus on strength training, adding moderate cardio sessions can help maintain cardiovascular health and burn some extra calories. Avoid overdoing it, however, as too much cardio can hinder muscle gains.

Proper hydration

Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Water is essential for many bodily functions, including muscle growth and recovery.

Weight gain

Mass gain refers to a systematic approach to gaining muscle and increasing body mass. It is often used by bodybuilders and athletes who wish to optimize their results in terms of muscle gain while minimizing fat gain. To achieve the desired goals, the following points must be respected.

Planning of the phases

Multi-phase structured mass gain involves dividing the program into different phases, usually called "cycles". Each cycle can last several weeks or months, and each phase has specific goals.

Mass gain phase

The first phase of the program is often focused on general mass gain. This involves a higher caloric intake, with a slight caloric surplus, to support muscle growth. Workouts are often focused on strength and muscle hypertrophy.

Consolidation phase

Once the initial mass gain phase is complete, a consolidation phase can be undertaken. During this period, the main objective is to maintain the muscle gained while minimizing fat gain. Caloric intake can be adjusted to match actual energy needs.

Definition phase

The definition phase usually follows the consolidation phase. It aims to reduce body fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible. This phase often involves reducing caloric intake and increasing cardiovascular activity to promote fat loss.

Nutritional planning

Nutrition plays an essential role in structured mass gain. During the mass gain phase, it is common to consume a caloric surplus, with adequate protein intake to support muscle growth. As we move into the consolidation and definition phases, caloric intake is adjusted to match specific goals.

Gaining muscle mass when you are lean: summary

In conclusion, gaining muscle mass when you are naturally lean requires a combination of nutrition, resistance training, rest, consistency and patience. With the right approach, anyone can achieve their muscle building goals.

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